Infinite Solutions Products
Time attendance
& access
control system
The purpose of complex time records is to enable readers in different locations to be controlled and managed from one place and the data obtained from all locations to be stored in one place in a central database. The Tamacs system owned by Infinite Solutions, provides training on „train the trainer “basis, develops an interface with the existing controllers and make a connection with readers.
Within the standard version of TAMACS these are the following modules and functionalities:
Records of working hours
- Defining shifts
- Defining exceptions
- Assignment of working days
- Planning a work plan
- Approval of hours
- Handling irregularities
- Transferring monthly hours to the ERP
- Calculation and Monthly Hours View
- Export events (creating an import file for Pantheon)
- Free day’s module (calculation, assignment, display)
Common functionalities of both systems
- Defining a company
- Defining sections
- Defining job positions
- Defining holidays (state, religious, nationality)
- Defining users (admin, security guard, power user, user)
- Read data from controllers in real time (display of successful and unsuccessful events)
- Daily check of irregularities (job)
- Calculation of working hours per day (automatic calculation)
- Defining Employees (Person)
- Audit, review of logs
- Configuration parameters (time intervals)
- Calculation of working hours manually – review of calculations
- Changing the password
- Unlocking user
- Defining religions
- Defining nationalities
- Reports Overview of Employees
- Overview of events (successful events)
- Review of alarms (unsuccessful searches)
- Review of types of exceptions
- Official reports
- Records of working hours
- Summary Database by Department
- Summary records per Employee
- Summary of the summary realization

Integration of the Tamacs System with HR module of the ERP Pantheon
We will integrate both Systems, Pantheon ERP HR Module and TAMACS Time Attendance System, so the data can be exchanged between two systems. Both systems will exchange the following data described below.
Data used by the system for recording of working hours and access control from the ERP solution:
- Data for the company
- Vacation days per employee
- Departments
- Nationalities
- Religions
- Types of exceptions
- Work positions
- Employees
- Working days in a month
Data that the system records on the working time and access control sends to the ERP solution:
- Realized monthly hours by type
- Hours for regular work
- Overtime
- Night labour
- Shortened work
- Business trip
- Work on Sunday
These types must also be defined in the ERP solution and according to these, the hours for calculation of salary are recorded. In addition, in the ERP, all types of all-day absences are automatically undertaken in the TAMACS and affect the total number of hours.